Research and Development

The research and development is vast and constantly changing. However, a common thread in all components of this area is the flexible use of the materials and resources available.
As for diluting and/or mixing of 2 to 16 different gases the GasMix™ is the right tool for the analyst who needs to generate gas mixtures in-situ at different concentrations, including traces.
Beside calibration gases, GasMix™ is well siuted for various applications in research and development like generation of controlled gaseous atmosthere, synthesis gas, test gas and many others on-demand gas mixtures that are not stable or not available in cylinders. GasMix™ is used by sensor development and manufacturing companies, by chemists operating reactors and pilot units, in medical applications, by researchers of innovative analytical technique.
Due to modular design, automation, capability to mixture Gas/Gas, Gas/Liquid or Permeation/Gas and its comprehensive software the GasMix™ fits virtually to any applications.

GasMix Application examples

Study of the effectiveness of a catalyst

The gas diluter-mixer GasMix™ to AlyTech helped one of our customers to evaluate the efficacy of a biofilm innovative concrete. This system has generated an atmosphere with a selected concentration of nitrogen oxides and a controlled degree of humidity to simulate various environmental conditions.

Characterization of interference phenomena on an analyzer

The objective is to provide mixtures ranging from 4 to 8 compounds in a balance gas, including alkanes, alkenes and other compounds such as NO2 or CO2. To meet this need, a GasMix™ Hurricane with 10 channels was used to generate complex mixtures on request.

Creating controlled gas atmospheres

Generate dynamically controlled atmospheres also include GasMix skills. Whether the need is the synthesis gas or synthetic air, with variable percentage of oxygen or nitrogen. For example, GasMix is widely used in research to generate synthetic atmosphere in Oxydation reactors.

Gas with controlled impurity adding

In order to develop and validate analytical technique for new emerging industrial applications, it is often necessary to investigate performance of the exisiting or newly developed analysers, detectors, sensors.
GasMix helps researchers to generate gas mixtures with defined concentrations of analytes to study limit of quantification (LOQ), limit of detection (LOD), linearity in response, hysteresis and other performance characteristics.

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